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New promotions at the hotel factory: Ariadna Planella

26, May, 2017

By Tomeu Bordoy

the hotel factory continues growing, not only in new and interesting projects, but also regarding to its own team. In the last month two new promotions have been made among the staff who was already part of the team tab of the hotel factory

Therefore, as we usually do, we have asked the people who have received this promotion to tell us something more about themselves, not only their studies or professional experience, which you can always find information about with the rest of the team of the hotel factory at our website, but also more personal questions.

Today we would like to introduce you to Ariadna Planella Villanueva our new senior consultant from our office in Madrid since last March, after her experience as trainee and junior consultant, first at our office in Palma and then in Madrid.

THF: As you already told us a little about yourself during another occasion, we have changed some questions. So If you’re ready let’s begin: ¿How do you feel about your promotion to senior consultant?

The truth is that I wasn’t expecting it at all. I feel a bit surprised and confused as it’s a great responsibility but I’m really enthusiastic about it and I’m sure that I’ll learn a lot in this position.

THF: How would you describe yourself in 3 adjectives?

Diplomatic, challenging and positive.

THF: Why did you decide to study Hotel Management?

I’m not really sure why really. I was very interested in management and I wanted to combine it with something I like, tourism and traveling. When I started my degree I couldn’t picture where I would work; as a travel guide, working at a hotel, in a travel agency at a main office… During my internship period I tried a bit of everything and that’s when I knew that my place was at a hotel consultancy firm.

THF: Do you have any pets?

At my house in Barcelona we have always had a dog. Now that I live alone I don’t have a pet at the moment…

THF: An easy question. As you’ve lived both in Palma and Madrid, which city do you prefer and why?

It’s obvious that living standards in Palma are superior in terms of peace, distance, beaches, etc. but in Madrid there is no time for boredom! Although I do miss the sea

I think that, because I’m from Barcelona, I prefer Barcelona because it’s a combination of the two cities! jaja

Ari informalTHF: Where would you ideal holidays be?

I have more than one destination and country to visit during my ideal vacation in my bucket list. I think I couldn’t choose just one destination, but I’d like to know Sri Lanka. It’s been recommended to me many times.

THF: Do you have a song you can’t stop listening to?

I go through phases. When I like a song I put it on repeat mode until I’m tired of it and then a new favourite song appears. The good thing about this is that I relate the song I’m listening  to situations and memories that happen during that phase. Right now it’s Lost on you by LP.

THF:  Is there anyone that inspires you?

I always have someone as a role model. I think that there is a lot to learn from others, professionally and personally.

THF: If you could choose, what superpowers would you have?

With no doubt, the power to fly.

If you’d like to know more about her and the rest of the the hotel factory team don’t hesitate and check our team tab at our website or look for us on LinkedIn, where you can also find the latest updates about the hotel sector.